Encouraging Participation in Online Reading Sessions
Online reading groups are events where people exchange their thoughts and opinions about books via the Internet.
Strategic Organization Consulting, LLC holds regular reading groups on the basic texts used in MBAs. Currently, we are conducting reading sessions on Bernie's Theory of Strategy and Kotler's Theory of Marketing.
The benefits of participating in an online reading group are varied, but can be listed below.
1. a chance to read a book: In order to participate in a reading group, you need to have read the book for a predetermined assignment. Therefore, participating in a reading group will help you get into the habit of reading.
2. deepen your reading by listening to other people's impressions and opinions: In a reading group, you will learn that even if you read the same book, your impressions and opinions will differ depending on your different experiences. Understanding a book from another person's point of view can lead to new discoveries.
3. no need to travel: With an online reading group, you can participate from the comfort of your own home or wherever you like. This makes it convenient and easy to participate.
4. Connect with people who are far away from you: Online book clubs make it easy to connect with people in other parts of the world. You can make friends with other founders and hear about their experiences of starting a business in a different environment.